
Our Members

The Alliance for Connected Care aims to:

Demonstrate the importance of Connected Care as a tool for improved quality and efficiency.

Build significant and high-level support for Connected Care among leaders in Congress and the Administration.

Enable more telehealth to support new models of care.

Lift geographic and site restrictions for telehealth in Medicare.

Establish a consensus-based, standardized definition of Connected Care to advance with policymakers.

Alliance News

California Health Care Foundation: Telehealth Use and Experiences Among California Adults

California Health Care Foundation: Telehealth Use and Experiences Among California Adults  California’s Medi-Cal program is leveraging telehealth to meet patient needs. Many of the telehealth coverage and reimbursement flexibilities enacted during the pandemic were made permanent in 2022, including payment parity for services provided in person or by telehealth. This issue brief uses data from the 2021 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) to explore how telehealth use varies across subpopulations of adults in the state and reports how people rate their telehealth experience compared to in-person care. Key Findings: Telehealth use varies by coverage type, race/ethnicity, and language People on [...]

September 12th, 2023|Tags: , |

Comment Letter on CY 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule

The Alliance for Connected Care submitted comments on the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Proposed Rule for calendar year (CY) 2024, which includes several important reforms with respect to telehealth. The Alliance emphasized the following overarching priorities: The Alliance appreciates and supports the proposal from CMS to pay claims billed with POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home) at the non-facility PFS rate. We applaud CMS for this choice, which recognizes that Medicare services provided via telehealth are simply a different modality for patients to receive the same care.  However, rather than defining this payment rate around POS [...]

September 11th, 2023|

FAIR Health: Nationwide Telehealth Use Held Steady in June

FAIR Health: Nationwide Telehealth Use Held Steady in June According to Fair Health's Monthly Telehealth Regional Tracker, telehealth sessions comprised 5.4 percent of claim lines in June, the same amount as the prior month. Mental health conditions continued to top the list of Fair Health’s five most common telehealth diagnoses for June. The median allowed amount billed for a one-hour psychotherapy visit was $103.

September 7th, 2023|Tags: , |

Health Affairs: A Study Of Patients’ Experiences Selecting Telehealth Versus In-Person Care

Health Affairs: A Study Of Patients’ Experiences Selecting Telehealth Versus In-Person Care  Approximately one-third of behavioral health patients seeking therapy or medication visits said their clinicians did not offer both telehealth and in-person care. The study conducted by RAND Corporation found that 45 percent of behavioral health patients did not believe their clinicians considered their preferences for virtual or in-person care. In addition, 32 percent of respondents said they did not receive their preferred method of treatment. These findings suggest that patients’ modality preferences need to be a greater consideration in both clinical discussions and policy decisions.

September 5th, 2023|Tags: , |

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