
Our Members

The Alliance for Connected Care aims to:

Demonstrate the importance of Connected Care as a tool for improved quality and efficiency.

Build significant and high-level support for Connected Care among leaders in Congress and the Administration.

Enable more telehealth to support new models of care.

Lift geographic and site restrictions for telehealth in Medicare.

Establish a consensus-based, standardized definition of Connected Care to advance with policymakers.

Alliance News

Alliance Statement – Correcting the Record for House Ways & Means Hearing on Care in the Home

Correcting the Record on Telehealth March 2024 During the March 12 House Ways and Means Committee Hearing on Expanding Access to Care at Home in Rural and Underserved Communities, a number of already disproven myths about telehealth were publicly repeated. While broader understanding of the benefits and use of telehealth have come a long way, these outdated misconceptions continue to undermine policymaking and must be corrected. Importantly, the Alliance and its members believe that an in-person visit requirement is never the right guardrail for a telehealth service – because these requirements harm patients with access challenges, such those who [...]

March 14th, 2024|

JAMA Network Open: Telehealth Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder During Pregnancy

JAMA Network Open: Telehealth Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder During Pregnancy Research found that a majority of pregnant people remained engaged in telehealth-enabled opioid use disorder (OUD) care, with most carrying to term. The researchers conducted a cohort study assessing the efficacy of a low-barrier, multistate, telehealth-based addiction treatment program in the US. They used EHR data to identify pregnant patients, 18 and over, diagnosed with OUD and receiving buprenorphine or buprenorphine and naloxone treatment between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2022. The study also showed that patients who became pregnant once established in care through telehealth were [...]

March 14th, 2024|Tags: , |

JAMA Network Open: Antibiotic Receipt for Pediatric Telemedicine Visits With Primary Care vs Direct-to-Consumer Vendors

JAMA Network Open: Antibiotic Receipt for Pediatric Telemedicine Visits With Primary Care vs Direct-to-Consumer Vendors Research from the University of Pittsburgh and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) found that telemedicine visits conducted for children with primary care providers (PCPs) are associated with fewer antibiotic prescriptions than telemedicine visits with virtual-only direct-to-consumer (DTC) companies. The findings highlight the importance of supporting integrated telemedicine within the primary care setting and the potential challenges and limitations of delivering virtual-only acute care to children. Find the UPMC press release here.

March 14th, 2024|Tags: , |

Alliance Submits Statement for the Record for House Ways & Means Hearing on Care in the Home

The Alliance for Connected Care submitted a statement for the record to the House Ways & Means Committee for the hearing, "Enhancing Access to Care at Home in Rural and Underserved Communities." The Alliance focused its comments on: The need for urgent action in extending Medicare telehealth provisions through December 31, 2024 to provide certainty around the future of telehealth. Committee to work with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to ensure virtual care meet the needs of Medicare beneficiaries is valuable and should be continued. Several recommendations that Committee should consider to permanently expand access to [...]

March 12th, 2024|

KeyCare: Almost 70 Percent of Medicare Patients Comfortable Conducting Annual Wellness Visits by Telehealth

KeyCare: Almost 70 Percent of Medicare Patients Comfortable Conducting Annual Wellness Visits by Telehealth Among Medicare enrollees who previously have had a telehealth visit, 69 percent report that they would be comfortable doing annual wellness visits (AWVs) via telehealth from home. The survey found that the most-often cited benefits of telehealth annual wellness visits include: convenience in terms of transportation and time (39.25 percent), elimination of the need to sit in an office with sick people (30.75 percent), lower expenses (23.25 percent), and the ability to schedule a visit sooner (20 percent).

March 11th, 2024|Tags: , |

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