
Our Members

The Alliance for Connected Care aims to:

Demonstrate the importance of Connected Care as a tool for improved quality and efficiency.

Build significant and high-level support for Connected Care among leaders in Congress and the Administration.

Enable more telehealth to support new models of care.

Lift geographic and site restrictions for telehealth in Medicare.

Establish a consensus-based, standardized definition of Connected Care to advance with policymakers.

Alliance News

Alliance Calls on DEA to Rescind or Revise Telemedicine Rule

The Alliance appreciates the DEA’s forward movement on telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances policy. However, the Alliance continues to be concerned to see language in the proposed rulemaking mandating in-person visits as this is not an appropriate guardrail for a telehealth service. Similarly, restricting the geography in which telemedicine can be offered undermines the value of creating virtual access for those patients who need it most. For these reasons, the Alliance encourages the Trump Administration to withdraw this proposal and work with stakeholders to ensure continued access to comprehensive medical care through telehealth, including when a controlled substance is required. [...]

March 19th, 2025|

Telehealth and Outpatient Utilization: Trends in Evaluation and Management Visits Among Medicare Fee-For-Service Beneficiaries, 2019-2024

medRxiv: Telehealth and Outpatient Utilization: Trends in Evaluation and Management Visits Among Medicare Fee-For-Service Beneficiaries, 2019-2024 Prior to the pandemic, telehealth accounted for just 0.1% of monthly E&M visits but surged to 41.0% in April 2020 before stabilizing between 5.7% and 7.0% in 2023-2024. The average monthly E&M visit rate per 1,000 FFS beneficiaries was 906.8 pre-pandemic and 918.6 post-pandemic. In the post-pandemic period, telehealth comprised 1.2% of E&M visits in low-use specialties, 8.4% in medium-use specialties, and 43.8% in high-use specialties. Following an initial surge, telehealth use stabilized in 2021 and beyond. Overall outpatient utilization remained stable post-pandemic, [...]

March 6th, 2025|Tags: , , , |

350 Organizations Request Congress to Take Action on Telehealth in March

The Alliance for Connected Care co-led a letter, signed by almost 350 organizations, urging Congressional leadership to take action in March to establish permanent or long-term access to telehealth. Both patients and practitioners seek assurance that services will remain available. Enhanced access to telehealth services serves as a lifeline to patients across the country, allowing patients to access critical health care services even when they have barriers to accessing in-person care, such as weakened immune systems, transportation challenges, geographic distance, and more. Read the full letter here or below:

February 24th, 2025|

Over 150 Stakeholders Send Letter to DEA

The Alliance for Connected Care led a letter, signed by more than 150 organizations, to the Attorney General Pam Bondi requesting her leadership in maintaining the access to telehealth that President Trump initiated during his first term. More than 150 organizations have signed this letter, including business groups like the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council and Consumer Technology Association, pharmacy experts like the American Pharmacists Association and American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists, mental health organizations like the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and Inseparable, health systems like Johns Hopkins and the University of Mississippi Medical Center, and aging organizations like the [...]

February 20th, 2025|

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