Alliance Written Testimony – New York FY2022 Executive Budget

The Alliance submitted written testimony for the New York State FY2022 Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Health, which took place on February 25, 2021. The Alliance applauds the telehealth-related proposals included in the Governor’s Executive Budget for the State Fiscal Year 2022, and was particularly thrilled to see specific provisions around the creation of an [...]

2022-07-14T17:52:58-04:00March 2nd, 2021|

Alliance Letter of Support for Alaska SB 67

The Alliance submitted a letter of support to David Wilson, Chair of the Alaska Senate Health and Social Services Committee, for Senate Bill 67. The bill would allow Registered and Licensed Practical Nurses from 34 states to practice in Alaska as part of a Multistate Nurse Licensure Compact. These registered and practical nurses would not [...]

2022-07-14T17:53:13-04:00March 2nd, 2021|

Alliance Statement for the Record to House Energy & Commerce Committee Hearing on Telehealth

ALLIANCE FOR CONNECTED CARE STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD “The Future of Telehealth: How COVID-19 is Changing the Delivery of Virtual Care” The Alliance submitted a letter to the House Energy & Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Health on the "“The Future of Telehealth: How COVID-19 is Changing the Delivery of Virtual Care.” The Alliance provided 1) [...]

2021-04-08T10:12:47-04:00March 2nd, 2021|

CDC: Trends in Use of Telehealth Among Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, June 26–November 6, 2020

Trends in Use of Telehealth Among Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, June 26–November 6, 2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Trends in Use of Telehealth Among Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, June 26–November 6, 2020 What is added by this report? During June 26–November 6, [...]

2021-06-21T15:32:40-04:00February 19th, 2021|

Alliance Written Testimony in Maryland

The Alliance submitted written testimony offering the Medical Excellence Zone as an alternative to Maryland House Bill 732. "We request that the Committee consider an alternative called the Medical Excellence Zone. The Medical Excellence Zone is an area defined by multiple state borders where medical practitioners may practice across state lines. Practitioners may not establish [...]

2022-07-14T17:53:35-04:00February 16th, 2021|
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