Connected Care Update – August 16 2024
The Alliance for Connected Care provided input into refining the goals of the 21st Century Cures initiative. The Alliance has a strong interest and member expertise in the way digital health technologies can support and expand access to care while improving patient engagement and quality. After four years of experiencing the benefits of expanded telehealth [...]
The Alliance for Connected Care joined a telehealth stakeholder letter to congressional leadership, urging swift action on legislation that would extend current Medicare telehealth flexibilities.
Alliance Wins in the Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule July 11, 2024 While CMS does not currently have statutory authority to waive geographic and originating site restrictions for telehealth, it has proposed a number of important steps to preserve access to telehealth in the CY2025 Physician Fee Schedule. Extension of provider location reporting flexibility: Proposed continuation [...]
The Alliance for Connected Care led a letter asking Congressional Appropriators to include a $14 million request for the Telehealth Resource Centers (TRC) program at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in FY2025 appropriations.This increase in funding would provide a critical boost to the TRCs, which saw an 800% increase in demand for telehealth [...]
The Alliance for Connected Care sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding ongoing decisions by CMS that will dramatically increase administrative burden for both practitioners offering telehealth services and CMS itself through the requirements for the reporting of multiple addresses for a clinician offering telehealth. CMS currently allows [...]
On behalf of the Alliance for Connected Care and the many patients and clinicians we represent, we write to support the Committee’s leadership in working to avert a pending telehealth cliff for Medicare beneficiaries and support bipartisan passage of the Telehealth Modernization Act of 2024 (H.R.7623). The Alliance for Connected Care sent a letter to [...]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Declines in Telemedicine Use Among Adults This report examines changes in telemedicine use among U.S. adults between 2021 and 2022 by selected sociodemographic and geographic characteristics. Overall, the percentage of adults who used telemedicine in the past 12 months decreased from 37.0% in 2021 to 30.1% in [...]
Last week, we finally saw a proposed rule – “Telemedicine Prescribing of Controlled Substances When the Practitioner and the Patient Have not had a Prior In-Person Medical Evaluation” arrive at OMB. We expect that this proposed rule will avert the current end of telehealth prescribing flexibility on December 31, 2024. However, there remains significant risk [...]
FAIR Health: Nationally and in Every Region, Mental Health Conditions Remained the Top Telehealth Diagnostic Category According to FAIR Health’s Monthly Telehealth Regional Tracker, medical claim lines associated with telehealth fell from 4.79 percent in February to 4.73 percent in March, a decrease of 1.3 percent. Nationally and in every region, mental health conditions [...]