Thanks to those who were able to join the Alliance for Connected Care for the virtual Telehealth Summit for Health Systems on April 22-23, 2021.
The Alliance for Connected Care held its virtual Telehealth Summit for Health Systems on April 22-23, 2021. Attendees heard from federal policymakers from the White House and Congress on policy issues related to telehealth and virtual care, and participated in Breakout Sessions led by health system executives around the following topics: consumer engagement in virtual care, post-pandemic licensure portability, hardwiring virtual care transformation, and improving access across the digital and social divide. This recording includes opening remarks made by speakers on the first day of the Summit.
Slides from the opening session, entitled “A Pivotal Moment for Telehealth & RPM Policy: A Look Ahead to 2021,” can be found here.
Please note: Only Day 1 of the Summit from 11:30 – 1:30pm ET was open to the press. The Breakout Sessions were interactive working sessions and were considered off the record. As such, recordings and slides from the Breakout Sessions will not be made available.
Please contact Casey Osgood at with any questions.