America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP): Survey of Telehealth Use by Commercial Insurance Enrollees
AHIP released a survey, fielded by NORC at the University of Chicago, which found that 73 percent of commercially-insured telehealth users think that Congress should make permanent the provisions that allowed for coverage of telehealth services before paying their full deductible. Notable findings include:
- The majority of respondents said they use telehealth because it is more convenient than an in-person appointment (69 percent).
- Nearly four in five (78 percent) said telehealth made it easier for them to seek out health care when they need it.
- A strong majority (85 percent) said there are an adequate number of medical providers available to them via telehealth for the health needs they have.
- More than half (53 percent) used telehealth between two and five times over the past year.
- Nearly three in four (73 percent) said Congress should make permanent the provisions that allowed for coverage of telehealth services before paying their full deductible.