The Alliance for Connected Care submitted a statement for the record for the House Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Health hearing, “Modernizing American Health Care: Creating Healthy Options and Better Incentives” on February 11, 2025.

“Telehealth has supported greater access to care nationwide, including for the more than 30 million Americans in Medicare and many of the 33 million Americans with High-Deductible Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts….

“While we deeply appreciate Congressional action to extend Medicare telehealth provisions through March 31, 2025, this was unfortunately only part of the extension needed to preserve full access to telehealth services. It is imperative that Congress act quickly to restore telehealth access lost in December and avert a loss of access to Medicare telehealth in March. Telehealth is a bipartisan policy, as demonstrated by the broadly supported 2022 legislation which extended telehealth flexibilities through 2024. While our priority is legislation that would establish permanent telehealth policies, we recognize achieving this goal could be a multi-year process.  As such, we  request your leadership in ensuring Americans are able to access the same telehealth that they were able to utilize in 2024 in the future.  We urge you to act in in March to create permanent or long-term access to telehealth.”

Read the letter here or below.

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