medRxiv: Telehealth and Outpatient Utilization: Trends in Evaluation and Management Visits Among Medicare Fee-For-Service Beneficiaries, 2019-2024

Prior to the pandemic, telehealth accounted for just 0.1% of monthly E&M visits but surged to 41.0% in April 2020 before stabilizing between 5.7% and 7.0% in 2023-2024. The average monthly E&M visit rate per 1,000 FFS beneficiaries was 906.8 pre-pandemic and 918.6 post-pandemic. In the post-pandemic period, telehealth comprised 1.2% of E&M visits in low-use specialties, 8.4% in medium-use specialties, and 43.8% in high-use specialties.

Following an initial surge, telehealth use stabilized in 2021 and beyond. Overall outpatient utilization remained stable post-pandemic, and increased telehealth adoption was not associated with a rise in total outpatient E&M visits. These findings suggest that broad telehealth adoption has not led to increased healthcare utilization among Medicare FFS beneficiaries.

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