The Alliance Leads Almost 350 Stakeholders Urging for a Two Year Extension on DEA Telemedicine Flexibilities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT Krista Drobac; Hundreds of Stakeholders Call on Federal Leaders to Ensure Patient Care is Not Interrupted by Expiring Prescribing Flexibilities WASHINGTON, D.C. September 10, 2024 – Today, more than 300 organizations asked Congress and the White House to intervene to ensure ongoing access to virtual prescribing for patients and [...]

2024-09-11T14:15:04-04:00September 10th, 2024|

Alliance Wins in the Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule

Alliance Wins in the Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule July 11, 2024 While CMS does not currently have statutory authority to waive geographic and originating site restrictions for telehealth, it has proposed a number of important steps to preserve access to telehealth in the CY2025 Physician Fee Schedule. Extension of provider location reporting flexibility: Proposed continuation [...]

2024-08-12T14:52:06-04:00July 11th, 2024|

Alliance Requests CMS to Consider Administrative Burden on Telehealth Practitioners

The Alliance for Connected Care sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding ongoing decisions by CMS that will dramatically increase administrative burden for both practitioners offering telehealth services and CMS itself through the requirements for the reporting of multiple addresses for a clinician offering telehealth. CMS currently allows [...]

2024-07-08T12:09:28-04:00June 28th, 2024|

Letter on House E&C Temporary Two-Year Extension

On behalf of the Alliance for Connected Care and the many patients and clinicians we represent, we write to support the Committee’s leadership in working to avert a pending telehealth cliff for Medicare beneficiaries and support bipartisan passage of the Telehealth Modernization Act of 2024 (H.R.7623). The Alliance for Connected Care sent a letter to [...]

2024-12-11T22:25:18-04:00June 26th, 2024|

Finally – Action on Prescribing Through Telehealth

Last week, we finally saw a proposed rule – “Telemedicine Prescribing of Controlled Substances When the Practitioner and the Patient Have not had a Prior In-Person Medical Evaluation” arrive at OMB.  We expect that this proposed rule will avert the current end of telehealth prescribing flexibility on December 31, 2024.  However, there remains significant risk [...]

2024-07-01T12:20:40-04:00June 17th, 2024|

Mental Health Groups Sent Letter on Schedule IIN Non-Narcotic Prescribing

Mental Health Groups Sent Letter on Schedule IIN Non-Narcotic Prescribing Mental health groups are pushing the agency to allow Schedule IIN non-narcotic drugs to be prescribed without an in-person visit. Those include stimulants used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A coalition of mental health groups, including the American Psychiatric Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics [...]

2024-12-11T22:25:29-04:00June 11th, 2024|

Over 380 Clinicians Send Letter to DEA

Over 380 clinicians and practitioners signed a letter, requesting the DEA to issue a revised proposed rule to regulate the prescribing of controlled substances through telehealth as soon as possible to ensure adequate time for patients to continue existing care. To read a full copy of the stakeholder letter, please click here. [...]

2024-05-09T18:19:48-04:00May 9th, 2024|

Letter on House W&M Temporary Two-Year Extension

On behalf of the Alliance for Connected Care and the many patients and clinicians we represent, I am writing to share our appreciation for your leadership in advancing important telehealth access – building on the dynamic hearing this spring on care in the home.  Most notably, we have supported the Committee’s actions to avert the [...]

2024-07-01T12:23:04-04:00May 7th, 2024|

Alliance Submits Letter to AMA On Remote Monitoring

The Alliance for Connected Care sent a letter to the American Medical Association’s (AMA) CPT Editorial Panel in response to its May 2024 meeting agenda, which includes Tab 38 – Remote Monitoring. The Alliance appreciates the consideration of stakeholder feedback into the revised proposal to ensure coding for remote physiologic monitoring (RPM) and remote [...]

2024-07-01T11:21:50-04:00April 25th, 2024|

Alliance Submits Statement for the Record for House Energy & Commerce Hearing on Telehealth Legislation

The Alliance for Connected Care submitted a statement for the record to the House Energy & Commerce Committee, Health Subcommittee for the legislative hearing, "Legislative Proposals to Support Patient Access to Telehealth Services." The Alliance focused its comments on: The need for urgent action in extending Medicare telehealth provisions through December 31, 2024 to [...]

2024-07-01T12:23:19-04:00April 9th, 2024|
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