Over 380 Clinicians Send Letter to DEA

Over 380 clinicians and practitioners signed a letter, requesting the DEA to issue a revised proposed rule to regulate the prescribing of controlled substances through telehealth as soon as possible to ensure adequate time for patients to continue existing care. To read a full copy of the stakeholder letter, please click here. [...]

2024-05-09T18:19:48-04:00May 9th, 2024|

Alliance Submits Letter to AMA On Remote Monitoring

The Alliance for Connected Care sent a letter to the American Medical Association’s (AMA) CPT Editorial Panel in response to its May 2024 meeting agenda, which includes Tab 38 – Remote Monitoring. The Alliance appreciates the consideration of stakeholder feedback into the revised proposal to ensure coding for remote physiologic monitoring (RPM) and remote [...]

2024-07-01T11:21:50-04:00April 25th, 2024|

Alliance Submits Statement for the Record for House Energy & Commerce Hearing on Telehealth Legislation

The Alliance for Connected Care submitted a statement for the record to the House Energy & Commerce Committee, Health Subcommittee for the legislative hearing, "Legislative Proposals to Support Patient Access to Telehealth Services." The Alliance focused its comments on: The need for urgent action in extending Medicare telehealth provisions through December 31, 2024 to [...]

2024-07-01T12:23:19-04:00April 9th, 2024|

Alliance Co-Leads Letter to DEA Urging Action on Telehealth Rule Crucial for Mental Health, Substance Use Disorders

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                      Stakeholders Send Letter to DEA Urging Action on Telehealth Rule Crucial for Mental Health, Substance Use Disorders WASHINGTON, DC, APRIL 2, 2024 – The Alliance for Connected Care, American Telemedicine Association, ATA Action, the Consumer Technology Association, and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, co-leading the effort, submitted a letter [...]

2024-04-12T17:00:23-04:00April 2nd, 2024|

Alliance Statement – Correcting the Record for House Ways & Means Hearing on Care in the Home

Correcting the Record on Telehealth March 2024 During the March 12 House Ways and Means Committee Hearing on Expanding Access to Care at Home in Rural and Underserved Communities, a number of already disproven myths about telehealth were publicly repeated. While broader understanding of the benefits and use of telehealth have come a long [...]

2024-07-01T12:23:48-04:00March 14th, 2024|

Alliance Submits Statement for the Record for House Ways & Means Hearing on Care in the Home

The Alliance for Connected Care submitted a statement for the record to the House Ways & Means Committee for the hearing, "Enhancing Access to Care at Home in Rural and Underserved Communities." The Alliance focused its comments on: The need for urgent action in extending Medicare telehealth provisions through December 31, 2024 to provide [...]

2024-07-01T12:23:59-04:00March 12th, 2024|

Alliance Leads Over 200 Organizations in a Letter Urging Congress to Act on Telehealth

The Alliance for Connected Care convened well over 200 organizations on a letter, urging congressional leaders to act on telehealth earlier this year, to allow for implementation time prior to the expiration of statutory restriction on December 31, 2024. Without timely and decisive action from Congress, many Americans risk losing access to telehealth services [...]

2024-07-01T12:24:34-04:00February 22nd, 2024|

Alliance Joins Letter In Support of the States Handling Access to Reciprocity for Employment (SHARE) Act

The Alliance for Connected Care joined over 20 organizations in a stakeholder letter supporting the States Handling Access to Reciprocity for Employment (SHARE) Act (H.R. 1310). The bill would authorize the use of FBI criminal history record information for administration of interstate compacts. Read the letter here or below: [...]

2024-07-01T12:24:48-04:00February 20th, 2024|

Alliance for Connected Care Announces New Members and Leadership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT Chris Adamec; cadamec@connectwithcare.org Alliance for Connected Care Announces New Members and Leadership WASHINGTON, D.C. February 13, 2024 – Today, the Alliance for Connected Care (“the Alliance”) welcomes several clinician and patient advocacy organizations to its membership, and a new Executive Director. During this critical policy year for telehealth and remote [...]

2024-02-13T09:43:29-04:00February 13th, 2024|
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