Connected Care Updates – August 21
This update includes:
- Telehealth legislation movement in Congress
- DEA Public Listening Session
- Request for Broadband and Telehealth Data
- National Institute on Drug Abuse Study
- and notable research and news developments
Connected Care Updates – August 7
This update includes:
- DEA Public Listening Session
- Senate Approps Language – FTC Study on Interstate Licensing
- and notable research and news developments
Connected Care Updates – July 24
This update includes:
- Senate Appropriations Funding on Interstate License Portability
- ASPE Medicare Telehealth Trends Dashboard
- CMS Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
- National Institute on Drug Abuse RFI for Data on Telehealth Controlled Substances Prescribing
- and notable research and news developments
Connected Care Updates – July 10
This update includes:
- HRSA Extension on Telehealth Performance Measures
- Biden Administration Announced Funding for Broadband
- and notable research and news developments