
Our Members

The Alliance for Connected Care aims to:

Demonstrate the importance of Connected Care as a tool for improved quality and efficiency.

Build significant and high-level support for Connected Care among leaders in Congress and the Administration.

Enable more telehealth to support new models of care.

Lift geographic and site restrictions for telehealth in Medicare.

Establish a consensus-based, standardized definition of Connected Care to advance with policymakers.

Alliance News

Alliance Comments on the 21st Century Cures Initiative

The Alliance for Connected Care provided input into refining the goals of the 21st Century Cures initiative. The Alliance has a strong interest and member expertise in the way digital health technologies can support and expand access to care while improving patient engagement and quality. After four years of experiencing the benefits of expanded telehealth services, patients expect telehealth and remote patient monitoring as an option in their care treatment plans. We believe the Cures 2.0 effort has the potential to modernize an antiquated reimbursement system to better serve patients in need and realize the potential of digital technologies through [...]

August 2nd, 2024|

Alliance Wins in the Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule

Alliance Wins in the Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule July 11, 2024 While CMS does not currently have statutory authority to waive geographic and originating site restrictions for telehealth, it has proposed a number of important steps to preserve access to telehealth in the CY2025 Physician Fee Schedule. Extension of provider location reporting flexibility: Proposed continuation of current policy through 2026 allowing a distant site practitioner to use their currently enrolled practice location instead of their home address when providing telehealth services from their home.  The Alliance has aggressively advocated for permanent change, most recently in a June letter to CMS. Permanent authority for audio-only:  [...]

July 11th, 2024|

Alliance Leads Letter to Congressional Appropriators to Support Telehealth Resource Centers FY 2025

The Alliance for Connected Care led a letter asking Congressional Appropriators to include a $14 million request for the Telehealth Resource Centers (TRC) program at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in FY2025 appropriations.This increase in funding would provide a critical boost to the TRCs, which saw an 800% increase in demand for telehealth assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Post-pandemic, demand for telehealth technical assistance remains high, with TRCs experiencing a 400% increase compared to pre-COVID-19 levels.  The TRCs need at least $14M in funding in FY25 to ensure that each TRC (regional and national) can receive at least [...]

June 28th, 2024|

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