On March 15, President Trump signed the  Full-Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025 into law, which provides government funding through September 30, 2025. Medicare telehealth flexibilities were extended until September 30, 2025.

Please find recent legislation below that the Alliance for Connected Care is tracking due to significant telehealth or remote patient monitoring provisions. 

118th Congress - Introduced Legislation

Updated 1/24/2024
Introduced LegislationBill NumberSponsorSupportSummaryCommittee of JurisdictionStatus
Telemental Health Care Access ActS. 3651Sen. Cassidy (R-LA)Bipartisan (3)The legislation would ensure coverage of mental health services furnished through telehealth.Senate FinanceIntroduced January 24, 2024
Rural Broadband Protection Act of 2024H.R. 7005Rep. Curtis (R-UT)Bipartisan (1)The legislation would establish a vetting process for prospective applicants for high-cost universal service program funding.House Energy & CommerceIntroduced January 17, 2024
RPM Cost Sharing Elimination Study Act of 2023H.R. 6801Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL)Partisan (2)The legislation would ensure that remote physiologic monitoring services are not subject to cost sharing under the Medicare program.House Ways & Means; Energy & CommerceIntroduced December 14, 2023
Better Mental Health Care, Lower-Cost Drugs, and Extenders Act of 2023S. 3430Sen. Wyden (D-OR)N/AThe legislation would expand the mental health care workforce and services, reduce prescription drug costs, and extend certain expiring provisions under Medicare and Medicaid. Specifically, the bill would establish a Medicare incident to modifier for mental health services furnished through telehealth, provide guidance on furnishing behavioral health services via telehealth to individuals with limited English proficiency under the Medicare program, ensure timely communication regarding telehealth and interstate licensure requirements, and facilitate accessibility for behavioral health services furnished through telehealth. Senate FinanceIntroduced December 7, 2023
Medicare Telehealth Privacy Act of 2023H.R. 6364Rep. Balderson (R-OH)Partisan (4)The legislation would maintain certain telehealth flexibilities relating to provider privacy under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced November 13, 2023
Telehealth Response for E-prescribing Addiction Therapy Services (TREATS) ActS. 3193Sen. Whitehouse (D-RI)Bipartisan (17)The legislation would allow for the use of telehealth in substance use disorder treatment.Senate HELPIntroduced November 1, 2023
Sustainable Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Services in the Home ActS. 3021Sen. Sinema (I-AZ)Bipartisan (3)The legislation would permanently extend certain in-home cardiopulmonary rehabilitation flexibilities established in response to COVID–19Senate FinanceIntroduced October 4, 2023
Home-Based Telemental Health Care Act of 2023H.R. 6534/S. 1077Rep. Salinas (D-OR)

Sen. Rounds (R-SD)
Bipartisan (2)

Bipartisan (4)
The legislation would establish a home-based telemental health care demonstration program for purposes of increasing mental health and substance use services in rural medically underserved populations and for individuals in farming, fishing, and forestry occupations.House Energy & Commerce; Senate HELPSenate: Introduced March 30, 2023

House: Introduced November 30, 2023
Expanded Telehealth Access ActS. 2880Sen. Daines (R-MT)Bipartisan (5)The legislation would expand the type of practitioners eligible for payment for telehealth services under the Medicare program.Senate FinanceIntroduced September 21, 2023
Helping Ensure Access to Local TeleHealth (HEALTH) Act of 2023H.R. 5611Rep. Thompson (R-PA)Bipartisan (5)The legislation would provide for permanent payments for telehealth services furnished by Federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced September 20, 2023
Bipartisan Primary Care and Health Workforce ActS. 2840Sen. Sanders (I-VT)Bipartisan (1)The legislation would improve access to and the quality of primary health care and the expand the health workforce. Specifically, the bill would prohibit hospitals from charging health plans and issuers a facility fee for services provided in off-campus HOPDs and for many services in on-campus HOPDs, including evaluation and management, telehealth and others. Senate HELPPassed Senate HELP Committee by a vote of 14-7. The workforce provisions were included in the CR package.
Temporary Reciprocity to Ensure Access to Treatment (TREAT) ActH.R. 5541Rep. Latta (R-OH)Bipartisan (1)The legislation would provide temporary licensing reciprocity for telehealth and interstate health care treatment.House Energy & CommerceIntroduced September 18, 2023
Expanding Remote Monitoring Access ActH.R. 5394Rep. Balderson (R-OH)Bipartisan (3)The legislation would ensure appropriate access to remote monitoring services furnished under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced September 12, 2023
Rural Telehealth and Education Enhancement Act of 2023H.R. 5308Rep. Langworthy (R-NY)Bipartisan (21)The legislation would reauthorize the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program of the Department of Agriculture.House Agriculture CommitteeIntroduced August 29, 2023
Telehealth Response for E-prescribing Addiction Therapy Services ActH.R. 5163Rep. Trone (D-MD)Bipartisan (5)The legislation would allow for the use of telehealth in substance use disorder treatment.House Energy & Commerce; JudiciaryIntroduced August 4, 2023
Strengthening Telehealth and Education for Rural Communities Act of 2023S. 2447Sen. Rosen (D-NV)Bipartisan (1)The legislation would reauthorize the distance learning and telemedicine grant program.Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and ForestryIntroduced July 20, 2023
Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers ActH.R. 824Rep. DelBene (D-WA)Bipartisan (5)The legislation would treat benefits for telehealth services offered under a group health plan or group health insurance coverage as excepted benefits. House Energy & Commerce; Education and Workforce; Ways & MeansIntroduced: February 2, 2023

Advanced out of Education and Workforce Committee: June 30, 2023

Advanced out of Energy & Commerce on July 19, 2023
CONNECT for Health Act of 2023 H.R. 4189/S. 2016Rep. Thompson (D-CA)

Sen. Schatz (D-HI)
House: Bipartisan (3)

Senate: Bipartisan (59)
The legislation would expand access to telehealth services.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & Means

Senate Finance
Introduced June 15, 2023
Expanded Telehealth Access Act H.R. 3875Rep. Sherrill (D-NJ)Bipartisan (34)The legislation would expand the scope of practitioners eligible for payment for telehealth services under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced June 6, 2023
Telehealth Expansion ActH.R. 1843/S. 1001Rep. Steel (R-CA)

Sen. Daines (R-MT)
House: Bipartisan (11)

Senate: Bipartisan (1)
The legislation would permanently extend the exemption for telehealth services from certain high deductible health plan rules.House Ways & Means

Senate Finance
Introduced March 28, 2023

Advanced out of Committee: June 8, 2023
Telemental Health Care Access ActH.R. 3432Rep. Matsui (D-CA)House: Bipartisan (1)The legislation would ensure coverage of mental and behavioral health services furnished through telehealth.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced May 17, 2023
Protecting Rural Telehealth Access ActH.R. 3440/S. 1636Rep. Pappas (D-NH)

Sen. Manchin (D-WV)
House: Bipartisan (5)

Senate: Bipartisan (3)
The legislation would protect access to telehealth services under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & Means

Senate Finance
Introduced May 17, 2023
Expanding Care in the Home ActH.R. 2853Rep. Smith (R-NE)House: Bipartisan (2)The legislation would expand access to clinical care in the home.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced April 25, 2023
Preventing Medicare Telefraud Act H.R. 1746Rep. Doggett (D-TX)N/AThe legislation would establish requirements for the provision of certain high-cost durable medical equipment and laboratory testing.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced: March 23, 2023
Medicare Fraud Detection and Deterrence Act H.R. 1745Rep. Doggett (D-TX)N/AThe legislation would strengthen health care waste, fraud, and abuse provisions.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced: March 23, 2023
Telehealth Health Savings Account (HSA) ActS. 731Sen. Kennedy (R-LA)N/AThe legislation would make permanent the permissible first-dollar coverage of telehealth services for purposes of health savings accounts.Senate FinanceIntroduced: March 9, 2023
Enhance Access to Support Essential (EASE) Behavioral Health Services ActS. 730Sen. Kennedy (R-LA)N/AThe legislation would provide for Medicare and Medicaid mental and behavioral health treatment through telehealth.Senate FinanceIntroduced: March 9, 2023
Audio-Only Telehealth for Emergencies ActS. 729Sen. Kennedy (R-LA)N/AThe legislation would provide for the waiver of certain telehealth requirements to permit reimbursement for audio-only telehealth services under the Medicare program during emergency declarations.Senate FinanceIntroduced: March 9, 2023
Department of Veterans Affairs Telehealth Strategy ActH.R. 1144Rep. Rosendale (R-MT)Partisan (1)The legislation would develop a strategy for telehealth furnished by the Veterans Health Administration and submit a report on end-user devices distributed by the Secretary to veterans to facilitate such telehealth.House Veterans' AffairsIntroduced: February 21, 2023
Knowing the Efficiency and Efficacy of Permanent (KEEP) Telehealth Options ActH.R. 1110Rep. Balderson (R-OH)Bipartisan (3)The legislation would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, and the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission to conduct studies and report to Congress on actions taken to expand access to telehealth services under the Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's Health Insurance programs during the COVID-19 emergency.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced: February 21, 2023
Expanding Access to Mental Health Services ActH.R. 635Rep. Rosendale (R-MT)N/AThe legislation would permanently include certain HCPCS codes as telehealth services under title XVIII of the Social Security Act.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced: January 30, 2023
Advanced Safe Testing at Residence Telehealth Act of 2023H.R. 207Rep. Schweikert (R-AZ)N/AThe legislation would provide coverage and payment for certain tests and assistive telehealth consultations.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & Means; Veterans' AffairsIntroduced: January 9, 2023
Rural Telehealth Expansion ActH.R. 197Rep. Rosendale (R-MT)N/AThe legislation would include store-and-forward technologies as telecommunications systems through which telehealth services may be furnished for payment under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced: January 9, 2023
Permanent Telehealth from Home ActH.R. 134Rep. Buchanan (R-FL)Partisan (3)The legislation would remove geographic requirements and expand originating sites for telehealth services.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansIntroduced: January 9, 2023

117th Congress - Introduced Legislation

Introduced LegislationBill NumberSponsorSupportSummaryCommittee of JurisdictionDate Introduced
H.R. 8489H.R. 8489Rep. Schweikert (R-AZ)Partisan (2)The legislation would extend certain telehealth services and requirements.House Ways & Means; Energy & CommerceJuly 26, 2022
H.R. 8491H.R. 8491Rep. Kelly (R-PA)Partisan (2)The legislation would expand eligible practitioners to furnish telehealth services.House Ways & Means; Energy & CommerceJuly 26, 2022
H.R. 8493H.R. 8493Rep. Buchanan (R-FL)Partisan (2)The legislation would remove geographic requirements and expand originating sites for telehealth services.House Ways & Means; Energy & CommerceJuly 26, 2022
H.R. 8497H.R. 8497Rep. Hern (R-OK)Partisan (2)The legislation would remove in-person requirements under Medicare for mental health services furnished through telehealth and telecommunications technology.House Ways & Means; Energy & CommerceJuly 26, 2022
H.R. 8505H.R. 8505Rep. Miller (R-WV)Partisan (0)The legislation would permit the use of telehealth for purposes of recertification of eligibility for hospice care.House Ways & MeansJuly 26, 2022
H.R. 8506H.R. 8506Rep. Murphy (R-NC)Partisan (0)The legislation would extend telehealth services for federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics.House Ways & Means; Energy & CommerceJuly 26, 2022
H.R. 8515H.R. 8515Rep. Smith (R-MO)Partisan (1)The legislation would allow for the furnishing of audio-only telehealth services.House Ways & Means; Energy & CommerceJuly 26, 2022
Telemental Health Parity Act of 2022H.R. 8229Rep. Manning (D-NC)Bipartisan (2)The legislation would clarify the applicability of certain parity provisions to mental health and substance use disorder telehealth benefits.House Energy & Commerce; Education & Labor; Ways & MeansJune 24, 2022
Undertaking Needed Investments in Therapy, Education, and De-Escalation Act of 2022H.R. 8180Rep. Gonzales (R-TX)Partisan (0)The legislation would provide for increased authorization of funding to secure schools and improve access to mental health and crisis care.The bill would deliver funding to nine key areas, including extending emergency telehealth services.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansJune 22, 2022
Rural Telehealth Access Task Force ActH.R. 8169Rep. Pence (R-IN)Bipartisan (1)The legislation would establish a task force to determine how to address barriers to the adoption of telehealth technology and access to broadband internet access services in rural areas. The task force would consist of federal officials and would need to make a report to Congress within 18 months.House Energy & CommerceJune 22, 2022
Bipartisan Safer Communities ActS. 2938Sen. Rubio (R-FL)Partisan (1)The legislation would address and reduce gun violence across the nation. The bill includes a provision which requires the Secretary of HHS to provide technical assistance and issue guidance to states on improving access to telehealth for services covered under Medicaid and CHIP. Senate Environment & Public WorksBecame Public Law on June 25, 2022
Kidney Health Connect ActH.R. 7878/S. 4307Rep. Wenstrup (R-OH)

Sen. Warner (D-VA)
House: Bipartisan (3)

Senate: Bipartisan (1)
The legislation allows dialysis clinics to serve as originating sites for telehealth services and ensures patients are not responsible for any additional fees associated with their use.House Ways & Means; Energy & Commerce

Senate Finance
House: May 24, 2022

Senate: May 25, 2022
Connecting Rural Telehealth to the Future ActH.R. 7876Rep. Smith (R-NE)Bipartisan (2)The legislation would extend certain telehealth flexibilities for two years, giving patients and providers certainty while Congress works to make them permanent.House Ways & Means; Energy & CommerceMay 24, 2022
Food and Drug Amendments of 2022H.R.7667Rep. Eshoo (D-CA)Bipartisan (3)This package of bills reauthorizes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) user fee agreements, secure supply chains, and lower drug costs. The legislative package includes a section on how telehealth can support decentralized clinical trials, particularly for subject recruitment and retention.House Energy & CommerceMay 6, 2022
Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act of 2022H.R.7666Rep. Pallone (D-NJ)Bipartisan (2)The Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act of 2022 would reauthorize certain programs relating to mental health and substance use disorders.House Energy & CommerceMay 6, 2022
MENTAL Health for Kids and Underserved ActS. 4039Sen. Thune (R-SD)Bipartisan (2)This bipartisan legislation would direct the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to issue guidance to states on options to increase access to behavioral health services and treatment via telehealth for children and underserved Americans.Senate FinanceApril 7, 2022
Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers ActH.R. 7353Rep. Walorski (R-IN)Bipartisan (4)The Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers Act would amend the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and the Affordable Care Act to allow all employees—including part-time and seasonal workers—to receive this excepted benefit. Under the legislation, any stand-alone telehealth service would remain separate from traditional medical plans and would not serve as a replacement.House Energy and Commerce; Education and Labor; Ways and MeansMarch 31, 2022
Home-Based Telemental Health Care Act of 2022S. 3937Sen. Rounds (R-SD)Bipartisan (3)The Home-Based Telemental Health Care Act of 2022 would establish a home-based telemental health care demonstration program for purposes of increasing mental health services in rural medically underserved populations and for individuals in farming, fishing, and forestry occupations.Senate HELPMarch 28, 2022
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022H.R. 2471Rep. Jeffries (D-NY)House: Bipartisan (7)The Consolidated Appropriations of 2022 would make consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September
30, 2022, and provide emergency assistance for the situation in Ukraine.
House Rules Committee PrintSigned into Law on March 15, 2022
Telehealth Extension and Evaluation ActS.3593/ H.R. 7573Sen. Cortez Masto (D-NV)

Rep. Axne (D-IA)
Senate: Bipartisan (4)

House: Bipartisan (1)
The bill would extend certain telehealth services covered by Medicare and to evaluate the impact of telehealth services on Medicare beneficiariesSenate Finance

House Energy & Commerce; Ways & Means; Judiciary
Senate: February 8, 2022

House: 4/26/2022
Telehealth Extension ActH.R. 6202Rep. Doggett (D-TX)Bipartisan (62)The bill would establish requirements for the provision of certain high-cost durable medical equipment and laboratory testing; to extend and expand access to telehealth services. Specifically, the legislation would permanently lift geographic and site-based restrictions, provide a two-year temporary extension of COVID-19 emergency telehealth waivers and others. House Energy & Commerce; Ways & MeansDecember 9, 2021
Cures 2.0 ActH.R. 6000Rep. DeGette (D-CO)Bipartisan (98)In addition to creating a new advanced research agency for health (ARPA-H), the legislation would increase access to telehealth services for Medicare and Medicaid patients, including those covered under the Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as CHIP, to ensure more Americans are getting the help they need, when they need it. House Energy & Commerce; Ways & Means; Budget; Science, Space, and Technology; Agriculture; Education and Labor; Armed Services; Natural Resources; Veterans' Affairs; Homeland Security; JudiciaryNovember 17, 2021
H.R.5837 - To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to expand access to telehealth services relating to substance use disorder treatment, and for other purposes.H.R. 5837Rep. Curtis (R-UT)Bipartisan (1)The legislation specifically allows Medicare providers to prescribe Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) through telehealth without an initial in-person visit.House Energy & Commerce; Ways & Means; Judiciary November 3, 2021
Department of Veterans Affairs Telehealth Strategy ActH.R. 5787Rep. Rosendale (R-MT)Partisan (13)Would direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to develop a strategy for telehealth furnished by the Veterans Health Administration and submit a report on end-user devices distributed by the Secretary to veterans to facilitate such telehealth.House Veterans' AffairsOctober 28, 2021
Primary and Virtual Care Affordability ActH.R.5541Rep. Schneider (D-IL)Bipartisan (7)Would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the exemption for telehealth services from certain high deductible health plan rulesHouse Ways & MeansOctober 8, 2021
Rural Telehealth Access Task Force ActH.R. 5506Rep. Pence (R-IN)Bipartisan (1)The Rural Telehealth Access Act Task Force Act will establish a Rural Telehealth Access Task Force to determine how to address barriers to the adoption of telehealth technology and access to broadband internet access service in rural areas, and for other purposes.House Energy and Commerce, AgricultureOctober 8, 2021
Rural Telehealth Expansion ActH.R. 4918Rep. Rosendale (R-MT)Partisan (0)The Rural Telehealth Expansion Act would amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to include store-and-forward technologies as telecommunications systems through which telehealth services may be furnished for payment under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansAugust 3, 2021
RUSH ActS. 2576/H.R. 4890Sen. Thune (R-SD)

Rep. Kuster (D-NH)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Bipartisan (1)
The RUSH Act would facilitate greater use of telehealth in skilled nursing facilities. The legislation would establish a program to allow qualified group practices to furnish certain items and services at qualified skilled nursing facilities to individuals entitled to benefits under part A and enrolled under part B of the Medicare program to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations.Senate Finance

House Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce
Senate: July 30, 2021

House: July 30, 2021
Evaluating Disparities and Outcomes of Telehealth (EDOT) During the COVID-19 Emergency Act of 2021H.R.4770Rep. Kelly (D-IL)Partisan (5)The EDOT During the COVID-19 Emergency Act would study the effects of changes to telehealth under the Medicare and Medicaid programs during the COVID-19 emergency. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJuly 28, 2021
HEALTH Act of 2021 H.R.4748Rep. Cawthorn (R-NC)Partisan (2)H.R.4748 - To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to revise HIPAA regulations to ensure patient access to telehealth services.House Energy & CommerceJuly 28, 2021
Advanced Safe Testing at Residence Telehealth Act of 2021 (A-START)H.R.4670 Rep. Schweikert (R-AZ)Partisan (0)The A-START act would provide coverage and payment for certain tests and assistive telehealth consultations. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Veterans' AffairsJuly 22, 2021
Telehealth Coverage and Payment Parity ActH.R.4480Rep. Phillips (D-MN)Bipartisan (2)The Telehealth Coverage and Payment Parity Act would amend the Public Health Service Act to require group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance coverage to provide coverage for services furnished via telehealth if such services would be covered if furnished in-person. House Energy & CommerceJuly 16, 2021
HEALTH Act of 2021H.R. 4437Rep. Thompson (R-PA)Bipartisan (15)The HEALTH Act of 2021 would provide for permanent payments for telehealth services furnished by Federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJuly 16, 2021
Analyzing the Duration of Remote Monitoring Services Act of 2021 H.R. 4347Rep. Balderson (R-OH)Bipartisan (2)The Analyzing the Duration of Remote Monitoring Services Act of 2021 would ensure appropriate access to remote physiologic monitoring services furnished under the Medicare program. Specifically, the legislation would continue the use of eased restrictions for remote patient monitoring (RPM) services, following the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJuly 2, 2021
Rural and Frontier Telehealth Expansion Act S. 2197Sen. Rosen (D-NV)Bipartisan (5)The Rural and Frontier Telehealth Expansion Act would increase Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) funding for telehealth services, including audio-only telehealth, by five percentage points in frontier states or states with limited access to broadband if those states cover telehealth services under Medicaid.Senate FinanceJune 23, 2021
PREVENT DIABETES ActS. 2173/H.R. 2807Sen. Scott (R-SC)

Rep. Rice (R-SC)
Bipartisan (8)

Bipartisan (7)
The PREVENT DIABETES Act would increase access to the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) Expanded Model by allowing CDC-recognized virtual suppliers to participate in the program. Senate FinanceJune 22, 2021
Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act of 2021H.R. 4040Rep. Cheney (R-WY)Bipartisan (3)The Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act of 2021 would extend telehealth flexibilities under the Medicare program. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJune 22, 2021
EASE Behavioral Health Services ActS. 2112/H.R. 4036Sen. Kennedy (R-LA)

Rep. Bilirakis (R-FL)
Senate: Partisan (0)

House: Bipartisan (1)
The Enhance Access to Support Essential (EASE) Behavioral Health Services Act would allow mental health professionals providing telehealth services through Medicare and Medicaid to be reimbursed at the same levels as mental health professionals conducting in-person visits. This would allow patients to receive care in the comfort of their own homes and reduce the stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment.Senate Finance

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means
Senate: June 17, 2021

House: June 22, 2021
Audio-Only Telehealth for Emergencies ActS. 2111Sen. Kennedy (R-LA)Partisan (0)The Audio-Only Telehealth for Emergencies Act would allow physicians delivering care during a public health emergency or a major disaster declaration to receive the same compensation for audio-only telehealth visits as they would receive for in-person appointments.Senate FinanceJune 17, 2021
Increasing Rural Telehealth Access ActS. 2110/H.R. 4008Sen. Kennedy (R-LA)

Rep. Newhouse (R-WA)
Senate: Partisan (0)

House: Bipartisan (3)
The Increasing Rural Telehealth Access Act would expand access to health care by improving remote patient monitoring technology for individuals in rural areas. Remote patient monitoring is a form of telehealth that uses digital technologies and mobile medical devices to gather health data from patients at home and send it to their health care providers. This technology allows health care providers to continuously monitor patients with chronic health problems. Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce
June 17, 2021
Telehealth HSA ActS. 2097Sen. Kennedy (R-LA)Partisan (0)The Telehealth HSA Act would allow employers to offer high-deductible health plans that include telehealth services without limiting employees’ ability to use health savings accounts. A current IRS regulation stops employees from making or receiving contributions to HSAs if they hold a high-deductible health plan that waives the deductible for telehealth services. This means that employees holding such high-deductible health plans will often need to pay out of pocket for telehealth services. Senate FinanceJune 17, 2021
Expanding Access to Mental Health Services ActH.R. 4012Rep. Rosendale (R-MT)Partisan (0)The Expanding Access to Mental Health Services Act would permanently include certain HCPCS codes as telehealth services. The bill would permanently broaden mental health options, including intake examinations and therapy, via telehealth for Americans on Medicare.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJune 17, 2021
Telemental Health Care Access Act of 2021S. 2061/H.R. 4058Sen. Cassidy (R-LA)

Rep. Matsui (D-CA)
Senate: Bipartisan (9)

House: Bipartisan (26)
The Telemental Health Care Access Act of 2021 would ensure coverage of mental health services furnished through telehealth and eliminate the in-person requirement so that patients can directly access mental health services via telehealth.Senate Finance

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means
Senate: June 15, 2021

House: June 22, 2021
Protecting Rural Telehealth Access ActS. 1988/H.R. 5425Sen. Manchin (D-WV)

Rep. O'Halleran (D-AZ)
Senate: Bipartisan (11)

House: Bipartisan (4)
The Protecting Rural Telehealth Access Act would make current telehealth flexibilities permanent. This legislation would ensure rural and underserved community healthcare providers are able to continue offering telehealth services after the current public health emergency ends. These services include the ability to offer audio-only telehealth appointments because many rural Americans don’t have reliable, affordable broadband access.Senate Finance

House Energy and Commerce, Ways & Means
Senate: June 9, 2021

House: September 29, 2021
Permanency for Audio-Only Telehealth ActH.R. 3447Rep. Smith (R-MO)Bipartisan (4)The Permanency for Audio-Only Telehealth Act would allow providers to offer audio-only telehealth services to Medicare enrollees, providing them with the resources necessary to adequately care for their patients.

Additionally, the bill would remove geographic and originating site restrictions to allow Medicare beneficiaries’ homes to be telehealth originating sites for audio-only telehealth services.
House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansMay 20, 2021
Telehealth Expansion Act of 2021S. 1704/H.R. 5981Sen. Daines (R-MT)

Rep. Steel (R-CA)
Senate: Bipartisan (2)

House: Bipartisan (30)
The Telehealth Expansion Act would permanently allow first-dollar coverage of virtual care under high-deductible health plans (HDHPs). Senate Finance

House Ways & Means
Senate: May 19, 2021

House: November 15, 2021
CONNECT For Health ActS. 1512/H.R. 2903Sen. Schatz (D-HI)

Rep. Thompson (D-CA
Senate: Bipartisan (61)

House: Bipartisan (129)

The CONNECT for Health Act is a comprehensive expansion of telehealth services that would waive telehealth restrictions during national emergencies, allow telehealth to be used to recertify patients as eligible for hospice benefits, work to prevent telehealth fraud and abuse, create reporting and analysis mechanisms, allow Native American health facilities to be used as originating sites for telehealth services, and help to improve testing for future telehealth models. Senate Finance

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means
Senate: April 29, 2021

House: April 28, 2021
Rural MOMS ActS. 1491/H.R. 769Sen. Smith (D-MN)

Rep. Newhouse (R-WA)
Senate: Bipartisan (8)

House: Bipartisan (16)
The Rural MOMS Act would expand access to care for women in rural areas, provides grant funding to improve maternal outcomes, and invests in better data collection and telehealth services to improve health care quality and access to care.Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce
Senate: April 29, 2021

House: February 3, 2021
Rural Behavioral Health Access Act H.R. 2228Rep. Kildee (D-MI)Bipartisan (9)The Rural Behavioral Health Access Act would allow for payment of outpatient critical access hospital services furnished through telehealth under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansMarch 26, 2021
TIKES ActS. 1798/H.R. 1397Sen. Carper (D-DE)

Rep. Blunt Rochester (D-DE)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Bipartisan (14)
The TIKES Act would provide for strategies to increase access to telehealth under the Medicaid program and Children's Health Insurance Program, and for other purposes.Senate Finance

House Energy & Commerce
Senate: May 25, 2021

House: February 26, 2021
Tech to Save Moms ActS. 893/H.R. 937Sen. Menendez (D-NJ)

Rep. Johnson (D-TX)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Partisan (36)
The Tech to Save Moms Act would support the use of technology in maternal health care.Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce
Senate: March 23, 2021

House: February 8, 2021
Ensuring Parity in MA and PACE for Audio-Only Telehealth ActH.R. 2166Rep. Sewell (D-AL)House: Bipartisan (48)The Ensuring Parity in MA and PACE for Audio-Only Telehealth Act would require the inclusion of certain audio-only diagnoses in the determination of risk adjustment for Medicare Advantage plans and PACE programs. House Ways & Means, Energy & CommerceHouse: March 23, 2021
Expanded Telehealth Access Act H.R. 2168/S. 3193Rep. Sherrill (D-NJ)

Sen. Daines (R-MT)
House: Bipartisan (66)

Senate: Bipartisan (6)
The Expanded Telehealth Access Act would expand the scope of practitioners eligible for payment for telehealth services under the Medicare program. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means

Senate Finance
House: March 23, 2021

Senate: November 4, 2021
Tele-Mental Health Improvement Act S. 660/H.R. 2264Sen. Smith (D-MN)Senate: Bipartisan (6)

House: Bipartisan (6)
The Tele-Mental Health Improvement Act would require parity in the coverage of mental health and substance use disorder services provided to enrollees in private insurance plans, whether such services are provided in-person or through telehealth.Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Education & Labor
Senate: March 10, 2021

House: March 26, 2021
KEEP Telehealth Options ActS. 620/H.R. 1677Sen. Fischer (R-NE)

Rep. Balderson (R-OH)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Bipartisan (14)
The KEEP Telehealth Options Act would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, and the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission to conduct studies and report to Congress on actions taken to expand access to telehealth services under the Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP programs during the COVID-19 emergency.Senate Finance

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means
March 9, 2021
Improving Access to Alternative Pain Management Act H.R. 1580Rep. Latta (R-OH)Partisan (1)The Improving Access to Alternative Pain Management Act would permit the use of certain psychological evaluation via telehealth for Medicare coverage of neurostimulation services for the treatment of chronic pain.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansMarch 3, 2021
COVID–19 Emergency Telehealth Impact Reporting ActH.R. 1406Rep. Curtis (R-UT)Bipartisan (5)The COVID–19 Emergency Telehealth Impact Reporting Act would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to collect, analyze, and report qualitative and quantitative data on the use of telehealth during the COVID-19 public health emergency.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansFebruary 26, 2021
Telehealth Modernization ActS. 368/H.R. 1332Sen. Scott (R-SC)

Rep. Carter (R-GA)
Senate: Bipartisan (18)

House: Bipartisan (122)
The Telehealth Modernization Act would make permanent certain telehealth flexibilities under the Medicare program related to the COVID-19 public health emergency.Senate Finance

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means
Senate: February 23, 2021

House: February 25, 2021
TREATS ActS. 340/H.R. 1647Sen. Portman (R-OH)

Rep. McKinley (R-WV)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Bipartisan (7)
The TREATS Act would increase the use of telehealth for substance use disorder treatment and mental health services.Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Judiciary
Senate: February 22, 2021

House: March 8, 2021
TREAT ActS. 168/H.R. 708Sen. Murphy (D-CT)

Rep. Latta (R-OH)
Senate: Bipartisan (6)

House: Bipartisan (38)
The TREAT Act would provide temporary licensing reciprocity for telehealth and interstate health care treatment. Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce
February 2, 2021
Equal Access to Care ActS. 155/H.R. 688Sen. Cruz (R-TX)

Rep. Budd (R-NC)
Senate: Partisan (1)

House: Partisan (0)
The Equal Access to Care Act would permit a licensed health care provider to provide health care services to individuals in one or more States in which the provider is not licensed.Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce
February 2, 2021
Ensuring Parity in MA for Audio-Only Telehealth Act of 2021S. 150Sen. Cortez Masto (D-NV)Bipartisan (10)The Ensuring Parity in MA for Audio-Only Telehealth Act of 2021 would require the inclusion of certain audio-only diagnoses in the determination of risk adjustment for Medicare Advantage plans, and for other purposes.Senate FinanceFebruary 2, 2021
Advancing Connectivity during the Coronavirus to Ensure Support for Seniors (ACCESS) ActS. 57/H.R. 596Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN)

Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL)
Senate: Bipartisan (10)

House: Bipartisan (52)
The ACCESS Act would increase the ability of nursing facilities to access telehealth services and obtain technologies to allow virtual visits during the public health emergency relating to an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Senate HELP

House Appropriations, Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Budget
Senate: January 27, 2021

House: January 28, 2021
Protecting Access to Post-COVID-19 Telehealth ActH.R. 366Rep. Thompson (D-CA)Bipartisan (60)The reintroduced Protecting Access to Post-COVID-19 Telehealth Act would authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to waive or modify application of Medicare requirements with respect to telehealth services during any emergency period. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJanuary 19, 2021
Ensuring Telehealth Expansion ActH.R. 341Rep. Williams (R-TX)Partisan (0)The Ensuring Telehealth Expansion Act would make permanent certain telehealth flexibilities established in response to COVID-19.House Ways & Means, Energy & CommerceJanuary 15, 2021
Ensuring Telehealth Expansion ActH.R. 341Rep. Williams (R-TX)Partisan (0)The Ensuring Telehealth Expansion Act would make permanent certain telehealth flexibilities established in response to COVID-19.House Ways & Means, Energy & CommerceJanuary 15, 2021

116th Congress - Introduced Legislation

March Thru December, 2020
Introduced LegislationBill NumberSponsorSupportSummaryCommittee of JurisdictionDate Introduced
Permanency for Audio-Only Telehealth ActH.R. 9035Rep. Smith (R-MO)Bipartisan (1)The Permanency for Audio-Only Telehealth Act would expand accessibility to certain telehealth services under the Medicare program. House Ways & Means, Energy & CommerceDecember 18
Expanded Telehealth Access ActH.R. 8755Rep. Sherrill (D-NJ) Bipartisan (13)The Expanded Telehealth Access Act would expand the scope of
practitioners eligible for payment for telehealth services under the Medicare program.
House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansNovember 16
Home Health Emergency Access to Telehealth (HEAT) ActS. 4854/H.R. 8677Senate: Sen. Collins (R-ME)

House: Rep. Marshall (R-KS)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Bipartisan (3)
The HEAT Act would provide payments for home health services furnished via visual or audio telecommunication systems during an emergency period.Senate Finance

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means
October 23
Safe Testing at Residence Telehealth (START) Act H.R. 8642Rep. Schweikert (R-AZ)Bipartisan (2)The START Act would provide coverage and payment for certain tests and assistive telehealth consultations during the COVID-19 emergency period. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansOctober 20
H.R. 8528H.R. 8528Rep. Williams (R-TX)Partisan (0)H.R. 8528 would extend certain provisions relating to telehealth services. House Ways & Means, Energy & CommerceOctober 2
Telehealth Improvement for Kids’ Essential Services (TIKES) Act of 2020 H.R. 8476Rep. Blunt Rochester (D-DE) Bipartisan (1)The TIKES Act would provide for strategies to increase access to telehealth under the Medicaid program and Children's Health Insurance Program. House Energy & CommerceOctober 1
PREVENT Diabetes ActS. 4709/H.R. 8861Senate: Sen. Scott (R-SC)

House: Rep. Rice (R-SC)
Senate: Bipartisan (5)

House: Bipartisan (3)
The PREVENT Diabetes Act would would permit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-recognized virtual diabetes prevention program suppliers to be included in the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program Expanded Model conducted by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation under section 1115A of the Social Security Act. Senate Finance

House Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce
Senate: September 24

House: December 3
H.R. 8308H.R. 8308Rep. Phillips (D-MN)Bipartisan (2)H.R. 8308 would require group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance coverage to provide coverage for services furnished via telehealth if such services would be covered if furnished in-person. House Energy & CommerceSeptember 17
Ensuring Telehealth Expansion Act of 2020H.R. 8156Rep. Williams (R-TX)Partisan (0)The Ensuring Telehealth Expansion Act of 2020 would extend certain provisions relating to telehealth services through December 31, 2025. House Ways & Means, Energy & CommerceSeptember 1
Telehealth ActH.R. 7992Rep. Wagner (R-MO)Partisan (0)The Telehealth Act includes a package of nine telehealth bills introduced by Republicans to expand access to telehealth services. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Judiciary, Veteran's AffairsAugust 7
ACCESS the Internet ActS. 4515Sen. Manchin (D-WV)Bipartisan (1)The ACCESS the Internet Act would authorize $2 billion in funding for distance learning and telehealth initiatives including $400 million for FCC's COVID-19 Telehealth Program. Senate AppropriationsAugust 6
Temporary Reciprocity to Ensure Access to Treatment (TREAT) ActS. 4421Sen. Murphy (D-CTBipartisan (2)The TREAT Act would provide temporary licensing reciprocity for telehealth and interstate health care treatment. Senate HELPAugust 4
Telehealth Modernization ActS. 4375Sen. Alexander (R-TN)Partisan (0)The Telehealth Modernization Act would make permanent certain telehealth flexibilities under the Medicare program related to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Senate FinanceJuly 30
VA Telehealth Expansion Act H.R. 7879Rep. Lee (D-NV)Bipartisan (3)The VA Telehealth Expansion Act would direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a grant program to expand and improve the provision of telehealth services to veterans. House Veterans' AffairsJuly 30
COVID-19 Telehealth Program Extension Act H.R. 7760/S. 4794Rep. Spanberger (D-VA)

Sen. Smith (D-MN)
House: Bipartisan (13)

Senate: Bipartisan (1)
The COVID-19 Telehealth Program Extension Act would make a supplemental appropriation for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program of the Federal Communications Commission for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020.House Appropriations, Budget

Senate Appropriations
House: July 23

Senate: October 1
The COVID-19 Emergency Telehealth Impact Reporting Act of 2020H.R. 7695/S. 4289Rep. Curtis (R-UT)

Sen. Young (R-IN)
House: Bipartisan (2)

Senate: Bipartisan (2)
The COVID-19 Emergency Telehealth Impact Reporting Act of 2020 would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to collect, analyze, and report qualitative and quantitative data on the use of telehealth during the COVID-19 public health emergency.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means

Senate Finance
House: July 21

Senate: July 22
Telehealth Expansion Act of 2020 S. 4230Sen. Wyden (D-OR)Partisan (1)The Telehealth Expansion Act of 2020 would expand access to mental health services and certain evaluation and management services furnished through telehealth under the Medicare program.Senate FinanceJuly 20
Ensuring Parity in MA for Audio-Only Telehealth Act of 2020H.R. 7659/S. 4840House: Rep. Sewell (D-AL)

Senate: Sen. Roberts (R-KS)
House Bipartisan (9)

Senate: Bipartisan (3)
The Ensuring Parity in MA for Audio-Only Telehealth Act would require the inclusion of certain audio-only diagnoses in the determination of risk adjustment for Medicare Advantage plans. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansHouse: July 16

Senate: October 21
Protecting Access to Post COVID-19 Telehealth Act of 2020H.R. 7663Rep. Thompson (D-CA)Bipartisan (12)The Protecting Access to Post COVID-19 Telehealth Act of 2020 would authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to waive or modify application of Medicare requirements with respect to telehealth services during any emergency period. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJuly 16
Facilitating Reforms that Offer Necessary Telehealth in Every Rural (FRONTIER) Community Act S. 4211/H.R. 7571Sen. Sullivan (R-AK)

Rep. Young (R-AK)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Partisan (0)
The FRONTIER Community Act would expand access in frontier States to mental health services furnished through telehealth. Senate Finance

House Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce, Agriculture
Senate: July 2

House: July 9
Telehealth Response for E-prescribing Addiction Therapy Services (TREATS) Act S. 4103/H.R. 7593Sen. Portman (R-OH)

Rep. McKinley (R-WV)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Bipartisan (5)
The TREATS Act would increase the use of telehealth for substance use disorder treatment.Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Judiciary
Senate: June 30

House: July 13
Protect Telehealth Access ActH.R. 7391Rep. Sherrill (D-NJ)Bipartisan (6)The Protect Telehealth Access Act would remove certain geographic and originating site restrictions on the furnishing of telehealth services under the Medicare programHouse Financial ServicesJune 26
Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 ActH.R. 7338Rep. Cheney (R-WY)Partisan (5)The Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act would permit the Secretary of Health and Human Services to waive requirements relating to the furnishing of telehealth services under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJune 25
TELEHEALTH HSA ActS. 4039Sen. Loeffler (R-GA) Partisan (0)The TELEHEALTH HSA Act would make permanent the permissible first-dollar coverage of telehealth services for purposes of health savings accounts.Senate FinanceJune 23
Mental and Behavioral Health Connectivity ActS. 3999Sen. King (I-ME)Bipartisan (3)The Mental and Behavioral Health Connectivity Act would ensure access to mental health and behavioral health services furnished through telehealth under the Medicare program.Senate FinanceJune 18
Improving Telehealth for Underserved Communities ActS. 3998Sen. Hyde-Smith (R-MS)Bipartisan (5)The Improving Telehealth for Underserved Communities Act would simplify payments for telehealth services furnished by Federally qualified health centers or rural health clinics under the Medicare program. Senate FinanceJune 18
KEEP Telehealth Options ActH.R. 7233/S. 4216 Rep. Balderson (R-OH)

Sen. Fischer (R-NE)
House: Bipartisan (24)

Senate: Bipartisan (1)
The KEEP Telehealth Options Act would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct studies and report to Congress on actions taken to expand access to telehealth services under the Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's Health Insurance programs during the COVID-19 emergency. House Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce

Senate Finance
House: June 18

Senate: July 20
Equal Access to Care ActS. 3993Sen. Cruz (R-TX)Partisan (1)The Equal Access to Care Act would permit a licensed health care provider to provide health care services to individuals in one or more States in which the provider is not licensed. Senate HELPJune 17
Enhancing Preparedness through Telehealth ActS. 3988Sen. Cassidy (R-LA)Bipartisan (3)The Enhancing Preparedness through Telehealth Act directs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to inventory telehealth programs across the country to learn how telehealth can be used more effectively in future health emergencies.Senate HELPJune 17
Helping Ensure Access to Local TeleHealth (HEALTH) Act H.R. 7187Rep. Thompson (R-PA) Bipartisan (10)The HEALTH Act would provide for permanent payments for telehealth services furnished by Federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics under the Medicare program.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansJune 11
Increasing Rural Health Access During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency ActH.R. 7190/S. 3951Rep. Torres Small (D-NM)

Sen. McSally (R-AZ)
House: Bipartisan (7)

Senate: Bipartisan (1)
The Increasing Rural Health Access During the COVID-19 PHE would provide for the establishment of a virtual health pilot program to facilitate utilization of remote patient monitoring technology to maintain or expand access to health care services for individuals in rural areas during the COVID-19 emergency period. House Energy & Commerce

Senate HELP
June 11
Home-Based Telemental Health Care ActS. 3917Sen. Rounds (R-SD)Bipartisan (8)The Home-Based Telemental Health Care Act, which would establish a home-based telemental health care demonstration program for purposes of increasing mental health services in rural medically underserved populations and for individuals in farming, fishing, and forestry occupations. Senate HELPJune 9
Tele-Mental Health Improvement ActS. 3792/H.R. 8060Sen. Smith (D-MN)

Rep. Trone (D-MD)
Senate: Bipartisan (1)

House: Bipartisan (1)
The Tele-Mental Health Improvement Act would require parity in the coverage of mental health and substance use disorder services provided to enrollees in private insurance plans, whether such services are provided in-person or through telehealth.Senate HELP

House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Education & Labor
Senate: May 21

House: August 14
Health Care at Home Act of 2020 H.R. 6644/S. 3741Rep. Schrier (D-WA)

Sen. Smith (D-MN)
House: Bipartisan (28)

Senate: Partisan (8)
The Health Care at Home Act of 2020 would require group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance coverage to provide coverage for services furnished via telehealth if such services would be covered if furnished in-person during the COVID-19 emergency.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Education & Labor

Senate HELP
House: April 28

Senate: May 14
Emergency COVID-19 Telehealth Response Act H.R. 6634Rep. Axne (D-IA)Bipartisan (1)The Emergency COVID-19 Telehealth Response Act would ensure that physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, audiologists, and clinical social workers can receive telehealth reimbursement rates from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) while providing necessary health services during COVID-19.House Energy & Commerce, Ways & MeansApril 28
Modernized Medicine Act H.R. 6538Rep. Kennedy (D-MA)Bipartisan (2)The Modernized Medicine Act would provide for a temporary increase in Federal financial participation under the Medicaid program to incent telehealth services. House Energy & CommerceApril 17
H.R. 6489 - To improve military family readinessH.R. 6489Rep. Thornberry (R-TX)Partisan (5)H.R. 6489 would improve military family readiness. Specifically, it would require the Secretary of Defense to submit a report which contains a plan to provide behavioral health treatment to members of the Armed Forces and covered beneficiaries using telehealth services and other technologies. House Armed ServicesApril 10
CARE for COVID-19 Act 2.0 H.R. 6486Rep. Ruiz (D-CA)Partisan (1)The CARE for COVID-19 Act 2.0 would require group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance coverage to provide coverage without any cost sharing for medically necessary items and services including in-person or telehealth visits furnished to an individual who has or is presumed to have COVID-19. House Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Education & LaborApril 10
Healthcare Broadband Expansion During COVID-19 Act H.R. 6474/S. 3838Rep. Eshoo (D-CA)

Sen. Schatz (D-HI)
House: Bipartisan (27)

Senate: Bipartisan (7)
The Healthcare Broadband Expansion During COVID-19 Act would provide $2 billion to expand telehealth and high-quality internet connectivity at public and nonprofit healthcare facilities. House Energy & Commerce

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation
House: April 10

Senate: May 21
Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act H.R. 6379Rep. Lowey (D-NY)Partisan (9)The Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act would provide $258 million for the ReConnect program, $25 million for Distance Learning and Telemedicine, $200 million for the FCC, $330 million to HRSA to develop a telephonic and virtual care platform, $17.2 billion to support healthcare access for Veterans including among other things expanding telehealth and other appropriations. House Appropriations, Budget, Ways & MeansMarch 23
Telehealth Expansion Act (Became part of the CARES Act – Enacted March 27)S. 3539Sen. Daines (R-MT)Partisan (0)The Telehealth Expansion Act would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt telehealth services from certain high deductible health plan rules during the public health emergency.Senate FinanceMarch 19
Advancing Connectivity during the Coronavirus to Ensure Support for Seniors (ACCESS) Act S. 3517/H.R. 6487
Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN), Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL) Senate: Bipartisan (3)

House: Bipartisan (83)
The ACCESS Act would authorize an emergency supplemental appropriation of $50 million for the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Telehealth Resource Center to assist nursing facilities receiving funding through Medicare or Medicaid in expanding their use of telehealth services and require the Secretary to study ways to use telehealth in existing and newly designated nursing facilities, and establish an HHS grant program for facilities developing virtual visit platforms.Senate Finance

House Appropriations, Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, Budget
Senate: March 18

House: April 10
Reducing Unnecessary Senior Hospitalizations (RUSH) Act of 2020 S. 3447/H.R. 6209Sen. Thune (R-SD), Rep. Kuster (D-NH) Senate: Partisan (1)

House: Bipartisan (4)
The RUSH Act would facilitate greater use of telehealth in skilled nursing facilities. The legislation would establish a program to allow qualified group practices to furnish certain items and services at qualified skilled nursing facilities to individuals entitled to benefits under part A and enrolled under part B of the Medicare program to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations. Senate Finance

House Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce
March 11