Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN): Telemedicine Adoption in an NCI-Designated Cancer Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Report on Patient Experience of Care

Researchers from the Moffitt Cancer Center conducted a study to assess patient experiences with telemedicine visits after the initial pandemic period, finding patients rank telemedicine superior for access to care and provider engagement compared to in-person visits. The long-term study on patient experience analyzed survey responses from 39,268 patients across more than 50,000 visits. Telemedicine experiences were compared to in-person visits during and after the height of the pandemic, beginning in April 2020 through June 2021. When it came to access to care, 62.5 percent of in-person visits were rated as highly satisfying, versus 75.8 percent for telemedicine. The corresponding rates were 84.2 percent in-person and 90.7 percent via telemedicine for high satisfaction with the response and amount of concern demonstrated by their care provider.