Federation of State Medical Boards: The Appropriate Use of Telemedicine Technologies in the Practice of Medicine
The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) updated its guidance to state medical boards for regulating the use of telemedicine technologies in the practice of medicine, while raising awareness for licensees and patients alike as to the appropriate standards of care in the delivery of medical telehealth services via telemedicine technologies. The guidance offers a model policy for use by state medical boards and lawmakers to expand regulatory opportunities and enable wider, appropriate adoption of telemedicine technologies for care delivery. In February, the Alliance submitted comments in response to the draft report for this guidance, which focused on the inclusion of audio-only telehealth, reforming licensure laws, ensuring equitable access to telehealth and removing restrictive in-person requirements. The FSMB adopted the Alliance’s recommendation on making an exception on licensure for providers conducting and recruiting patients for multi-state clinical trials. Coverage on this development, including an Alliance statement, can be found here.