Comment Letter to the Federation of State Medical Boards Regarding the Draft Interstate Medical Licensure Compact

The Alliance submitted comments on the draft Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (the “Compact”). The Alliance recommended several additions to strengthen the draft Compact. Recommend that FSMB more clearly demonstrate the value that will be added as a result of the establishment of a Commission including additional detail on the Commission’s role in facilitating expedited [...]

2021-02-16T16:03:49-04:00February 28th, 2014|

Former Senators Daschle, Lott, Breaux Form Bipartisan Alliance to Improve Healthcare Delivery through Connected Care

WASHINGTON, DC – Led by former U.S. Senate Majority Leaders Tom Daschle and Trent Lott, and former Senator John Breaux, the Alliance for Connected Care ( was launched today to promote policy reform around telehealth and remote patient monitoring. Long thought of as an issue affecting only rural areas, advances in technology and broadband deployment have fostered new models [...]

2023-03-29T17:36:39-04:00February 11th, 2014|
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