Connected Care Clips – April 12
The Alliance for Connected Care sent the attached letter to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) applauding their inclusion of the telemedicine special registration for the prescribing of controlled substances this year as part of the Biden Administration’s First-Year Drug Policy Priorities. The Biden Administration outlined its drug policy priorities for [...]
SYKES: How Americans Feel About Telehealth: One Year Later The main findings of the survey include: Before the pandemic, 66% of all respondents were doubtful of the quality of care someone could receive in a telehealth appointment, however 80% of all respondents now believe people can receive quality care through telehealth. 31% of respondents who [...]
Diabetes management among underserved older adults through telemedicine and community health workers A systematic review was performed to determine the impact of telemedicine and community health worker (CHW) interventions for improving A1c levels and self-management behaviors among underserved older adults with diabetes mellitus. The review found that diabetes self-management education (DSME) administered through telemedicine and [...]
Roughly 20 organizations, including the Alliance for Connected Care have signed a letter asking Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to extend Medicare coverage for virtual visits during the PHE and “work on longer-term reforms” that would make connected health a permanent part of the program. Given the ongoing and worsening prediabetes challenges facing [...]